
Training course 'Find your Inner Force'

‘Find your inner force; connect through awareness’’. This subscription requires effort and is a commitment to your­self to work on and ’dig in yourself’ in order to find your inner force and increase the quality and intensity of your life ! Realize that you have the choice of spending your precious time with the people and activities you enjoy  every day you live capable of wondering and learning  or you can repeat the inner critical voice and feel your daily life too much as a struggle loosing energy.

download brochure

    Introduction Meetup Tuesday 11 Juli 19.19h see link  

    Do you recognize any of the following?

    • Procrastination behavior
    • Feeling lost en lonely & unable to connect 
    • Stress, pressure or anxiety
    • Tension (always alert) and / or not able to enjoy
    • 'Take it out' on others
    • Uncertainty and/or feelings of being incapable
    • Feeling rejected easily
    • Avoidance of uncertain situations and risks
    • Feeling an outsider or on distance watcher
    • Difficulty creating equal emotional contact
    • Dominant (bossy) behavior
    • Anger or irritation caused by small issues
    • Too much or not at all sharing your opinions
    • Keeping everyone emotionally on a distance
    • Blaming others for your situation

     If the answer is ‘yes’, then it might be time for YOU to investigate these issues and to participate in this 'tough' training. A real challenge, because you are making a commitment to yourself. You do not react indifferently, but are willing to look at yourself and examine why you are stuck or suffering or stuck and change it.

    Some reactions after previous training sessions

    'the training sessions felt like a Hot Tub'

    "I'm much more comfortable with myself now, even in uncomfortable situations '

    "I never knew I could feel my grief and still could go home with a feeling of acceptation."

    'Depth, respect and attention'

    "It was very confronting yet very valuable for me"

    "I now enjoy more and more conscious '

      "Since the training I made important steps in my work and relationship"

    "nice to share experiences in a group and recognize '

    "I experience myself much calmer and richer "


    Effect of training

    In 2005 a student of Social Psychology at the University v. Amsterdam measured the effect of the training and workshops. In the brochure are the results  of a number of training groups. 


    Meetup ''Feel your inner force''

    Meetup ''Feel your inner force''

    Dear reader,

    Its been long time ago that I published any news here. This is an annoucement and an invitation for a meetup in june. Maybe the circumstances are changed since you subscribed to this group, but you are still probably sensitive emotional person with themes that you are ...

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    Meetup Empowerment Weerbaarheid Utrecht

    Meetup Empowerment Weerbaarheid Utrecht

    Beste lezer en ingeschrevene in deze groep,

    Deze groep had ik net voor de COVID uitbrak opgericht en eigenlijk geen regelmatige trainingssessies kunnen organiseren. Bij deze wil jullie nu uitnodigen na deze COVID periode op een nieuwe locatie in kanaleneiland. Bij deze wil ik jullie ook persoonlijk uitnodigen voor de ...

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