Meetup ''Feel your inner force''


Dear reader,

Its been long time ago that I published any news here. This is an annoucement and an invitation for a meetup in june. Maybe the circumstances are changed since you subscribed to this group, but you are still probably sensitive emotional person with themes that you are reguarly facing ot confronted with. Do you need to have big problems to improve your dailey energy and quality in life? To improve quality of life starts with awareness and some practical tools you can easily help your dailey life being more independant of the circumstances & situation. So make a note in your agenda 27 th of June 2023 Attleeplantsoen.

I am happy to invite you personal to this meetup in June to experience if this training can support you and contribute to your awareness and practicing in you dailey life !

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Meetup ''Feel your inner force''

Meetup ''Feel your inner force''

Dear reader,

Its been long time ago that I published any news here. This is an annoucement and an invitation for a meetup in june. Maybe the circumstances are changed since you subscribed to this group, but you are still probably sensitive emotional person with themes that you are ...

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Meetup Empowerment Weerbaarheid Utrecht

Meetup Empowerment Weerbaarheid Utrecht

Beste lezer en ingeschrevene in deze groep,

Deze groep had ik net voor de COVID uitbrak opgericht en eigenlijk geen regelmatige trainingssessies kunnen organiseren. Bij deze wil jullie nu uitnodigen na deze COVID periode op een nieuwe locatie in kanaleneiland. Bij deze wil ik jullie ook persoonlijk uitnodigen voor de ...

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